Path integrals and the Dyson formula#
One of the deepest results in quantum field theory, to me, is the Dyson formula [nLa]. It describes the solution to the differential equation
in terms of the exponential of the path integral of the operator \(A(t)\),
where \(\mathcal{T}\) is the time-ordering operator. Here, \(U(t,0)\) is known as the time-evolution operator.
The proof of this formula is given by Picard integration and iterated integrals [Bro13].
On the other hand, we have the Feynman path integral
where \(\psi(y,t)\) is the value of the state vector \(\Psi(t)\) at position \(y,\) \(\int Dq\) is an integral over all paths \(q\) from \(x\) to \(y\), and \(S(q,\dot{q})\) is the action of the path \(q.\) Here, \(K(y,t;x,0)\) is known as the kernel or propagator.
The time-ordered exponential in the Dyson series can be related to the Feynman path integral by viewing the Hamiltonian operators in a von Neumann infinite tensor product Hilbert space [Gil17].
The Dyson formula frames the dynamics of the system in terms of the time-evolution operator, while the path integral frames the dynamics in terms of the kernel.
The action gives a “particle” interpretation to the quantum or stochastic dynamical system. These “particles” are real only to the extent that this action is well-defined.
It would be interesting to study the Dyson formula through the algebraic lens of regularity structures.
There should also be a generalization of the Dyson formula or the path integral to coends in category theory.
[Freeman Dyson - Linking the ideas of Feynman, Schwinger and Tomanaga]
Francis Brown. Iterated integrals in quantum field theory. 6th Summer School on Geometric and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory, pages 188–240, 2013.
Tepper L Gill. The feynman-dyson view. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 845, 012023. IOP Publishing, 2017.
nLab. Dyson formula. Accessed: 2021.