Zeta functions, Mellin transforms and the Gelfand-Leray form#

We outline the similarities between zeta functions appearing in number theory and in statistical learning.

This post is a continuation from our series on spiking networks, path integrals and motivic information.

Gelfand-Leray functions#

Let \(\omega\) be a volume form or a form resulting from a measure on some space \(W\). Let \(f: W \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) be a non-negative energy function or a Kullback-Leibler divergence. A Gelfand-Leray form of \(\omega\) is any differential form \(\phi\) that satisfies

\[df \wedge \phi = \omega.\]

We will denote \(\phi\) by \(\omega /df\). See [AGZV88] and §4 of [Mar10] for expositions about the Gelfand-Leray form.

The Gelfand-Leray function is

\[J(t) =\displaystyle \int_{f(w)=t} \frac{\omega}{df}.\]

These functions often have asymptotic expansions of the form

\[J(t) = \displaystyle \sum_\alpha \sum_{i=1}^d m_{\alpha,i} t^\alpha (\log t)^{i-1}.\]

Here, the \(\alpha\)’s are poles and the \(i\)’s are their multiplicities.

Zeta functions#

Informally, zeta functions are complex functions of the form

\[\zeta(z) = \displaystyle \sum_\lambda m_\lambda \lambda^{-z}\]

where the sum is over some possibly infinite (multi-)set of complex numbers \(\lambda\) and the coefficients \(m_\lambda\) are complex.

For example, the Riemann zeta function is

\[\zeta(z) = \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty n^{-z}.\]

Zeta functions often have analytic continuations to the whole complex plane, and possess Laurent expansions of the form

\[\zeta(z) = \zeta_0(z) + \sum_\alpha \sum_{i=1}^d c_{\alpha i} (z-\alpha)^{-i}\]

where \(\zeta_0(z)\) is holomorphic and the \(\alpha\) are the poles.

A zeta function can often be written as the Mellin transform

\[\zeta(z) = \displaystyle \int_0^\infty t^{z-1} J(t) dt = \int_W f(w)^{z-1} \omega\]

of a function \(J(t)\), and \(J(t)\) is often some kind of Gelfand-Leray function.

For example, \(\zeta(z) = \sum_\lambda m_\lambda \lambda^{-z}\) is the Mellin transform

\[\zeta(z) = \displaystyle \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)} \int_0^\infty \theta(t) t^{z-1} dt\]

of the theta function

\[\theta(t) = \displaystyle \sum_{\lambda} m_\lambda e^{- \lambda t}.\]

Here, if we expand each \(e^{-\lambda t}\) by its Taylor series, we see that we can think of it as a kind of Gelfand-Leray function with non-negative integer poles and unit multiplicities.

However, I do not know if the theta function can actually be expressed as the Gelfand-Leray function of a differential form with respect to an energy function.

Zeta functions are also useful for defining infinite products [Man95]

\[Z = \displaystyle \prod_\lambda \lambda^{m_\lambda}\]

which we define to be

\[Z = \exp \left( - \zeta'(0)\right)\]


\[\zeta(z) = \displaystyle \sum_\lambda m_\lambda \lambda^{-z}.\]

Indeed, for finite sums, we see that

\[\zeta'(0) = - \displaystyle \sum_\lambda m_\lambda \log \lambda.\]

Statistical Learning#

In statistical learning, given a prior \(\omega = \psi(w)dw\) on the parameters \(w\) of a statistical model \(p: W \rightarrow \Delta,\) and given the relative information \(K(w)\) to the true distribution \(q\) from the model distribution \(p(w),\) the Gelfand-Leray function

\[J(t) = \displaystyle \frac{d}{dt} \int_{0 \leq K(w) \leq t} \psi(w) dw\]

is called the state density function [Wat09].

The zeta function of the statistical model is

\[\zeta(z) = \int_W K(w)^z \psi(w) dw = \int_0^\infty t^z J(t)dt\]

which (up to some linear change of variable in \(z\)) is the Mellin transform of the state density function \(J(t).\)

Number Theory#

In number theory, we have the notorious Riemann zeta function which becomes more interesting [Bae05] if we write it as

\[\zeta(z) = \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty \left(n^2\right)^{-\frac{z}{2}}.\]

This representation suggests that we study the infamous Jacobi theta function

\[\theta(t) =\displaystyle \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty e^{-n^2 (\pi t) }.\]

Note the extra factor of \(\pi\) in the exponent and the changing of the lower bound of summation to \(-\infty\).

The modularity of the theta function

\[\theta(t) = \displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{t}} \theta\left(\frac{1}{t}\right)\]

is the crux behind the functional equation for the Riemann zeta function

\[\Lambda(z) = \Lambda(1-z)\]

where \(\Lambda(z) = 2^{-1/2}\pi^{-z/2}\Gamma(z/2)\zeta(z).\)

The function \(\Lambda(z)\) itself can be written [Den91] as the infinite product

\[(\frac{z}{2\pi})(\frac{z-1}{2\pi})\Lambda(z) = \prod_\rho \frac{z-\rho}{2\pi}\]

over the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. This infinite product is in turn expressible using another zeta function and theta function.

The Hurwitz zeta function

\[\zeta_s(z) = \displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+s)^{-z}\]

is associated to the theta function \(\theta_s(t) = e^{-st} \theta(t)\) where

\[\theta(t) =\sum_{n=0}^\infty e^{-nt} = \frac{1}{1-e^{-t}}.\]

Note that the Riemann zeta function is the special case \(\zeta_1(z).\)

The Hasse-Weil zeta function of a smooth absolutely irreducible curve \(V\) over a finite field \(\mathbb{F}_q\) is

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rl} Z_{V}(z) &= \displaystyle \sum_\alpha \left(q^{ \deg(\alpha)}\right)^{-z} \\ & \\ &= \exp\left(\displaystyle\sum_{m\geq 1} \frac{\# V(\mathbb{F}_{q^m})}{m}q^{-zm} \right) \end{array}\end{split}\]

where the first sum is over effective zero-cycles \(\alpha\). The zeta function can also be written as

\[(1-q^{-z})(1-q^{1-z})Z_{V}(z) = \displaystyle \prod_{j=1}^{2g} (1-\phi_j q^{-z})\]

where \(g\) is the genus of \(V\) and each \(\phi_j\) is an algebraic integer. Each of the factors can be written as infinite products

\[1-\lambda q^{-z} = \displaystyle \prod_{\rho \vert q^\rho = \lambda} \frac{\log q}{2\pi i}(z-\rho).\]

which is in turn expressible using another zeta function and theta function.



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